Our Governors


The Role of the Governors

Governors are strategic leaders working in close partnership with school leaders.  Their purpose is to:

‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’

Strong focus on 3 core strategic functions:

a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

b. Holding the executive leader to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its

pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff

c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Key features of Effective Governance:

1. Strategic leadership – sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy

2. Accountability – drives up educational standards and financial performance

3. People – right skills, experience, qualities and capacity

4. Structures – defined roles and responsibilities

5. Compliance – statutory and contractual requirements

6. Evaluation – to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance


The chair of our Local Governing Body is Sue Irwin

The Clerk to the Governing Body is Marie Tomkins.


The Local Governing Body has established three committees to carry out some of its governance functions. Where this includes making decisions, those decisions will be deemed decisions of the Local Governing Body.

Our committees are;


Initial oversight and management of the annual budget drawn up by the school; Ensures the school maintains an appropriate system of internal financial control; Agrees priorities for revenue and capital funding.


This committee ensures strategic oversight of the operational aspects of the school including safeguarding arrangements and Health and Safety. This committee also functions to ensure that the school is compliant with statutory regulations and statutory guidance.


Primarily drives standards and performance via the analysis of the School Development Plan (SDP). The committee makes recommendations to the LGB as required.


The Headteacher has responsibility for the operation of the school.

The Headteacher leads the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of the School. The Headteacher may delegate management functions to the SLT but remains accountable to the Local Governing Body for the performance of the SLT.


Tasim Koser Office of Headteacher Ex-officio Headteacher
Sue Irwin 18.06.22 – 17.06.26 Appointed by GB/board
Bryan Allbutt 25.11.23 – 24.11.27 Appointed by GB/board
Faisal Khawaja 18.5.21 – 17.5.25 Appointed by GB/board
Glenn Jones 1.9.22 – 31.8.26 Elected by school staff
Karen Allen 13.1.23 – 12.1.27 Elected by parents
Rachel Lothian 05.24 – 05.28 Elected by parents
Lian Bills 05.24 – 05.28 Appointed by GB/board




To adhere to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, Holyoakes Field First School is required to maintain a register of business interests. The main purpose of maintaining a register is to ensure that the Governors and staff act impartially.

Register of Business Interests

The Local Governing Body of Holyoakes Field First School and staff members have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and the interests of the school. A register of business interests is maintained for both Governors and school personnel with significant financial responsibilities.

The register includes all business interests such as directorships, share holdings and other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation that may have dealings with the school. The disclosures also include business interests of relatives and other individuals who may exert influence. Holyoakes Field First School ensures the register is up to date and complete, includes all Governors and relevant staff and in this regard signed and dated. Individual records are maintained for each governor and relevant member of staff and where there are no business interests to declare a nil return is kept.

For each governor who has served at any point over the past 12 months; a list of business and personal interests, pecuniary (financial) and non-pecuniary of the Governors and any immediate family is presented below.

Pecuniary of the Holyoakes Field Governing Body

Name of Governor Position held Declaration of Pecuniary or other material interest
Tasnim Koser Headteacher None
Bryan Allbut Co-opted

Chair of Worcester Diocese Board of Education

Trustee of Worcester Diocese Board of Finance

Director of Worcester Diocese Academies Trust

Director of Spire Multi-Academy Trust

Sue Irwin Co-opted



Faisal Khawaja Co-opted

Director: Just Maths (Education)

Director: School Scanner (Education) Director: Just A Roo LMT

Jeanna Weller Co-opted None
Lian Bills Co-opted None
Glenn Jones Staff None
Jessica Chance Staff None
Rachel Lothian Parent None
Karen Allen Parent None