Our Nursery

Welcome to our Nursery

Holyoakes Field First School and Nursery is a welcoming, forward looking and inclusive 3-9 school.  Prior to re-locating to the new site at Cookridge Close, Holyoakes Field First School had served the community in and around Bridge Street for over 100 years.

Our pupils are at the heart of everything we do.  Children, staff, parents, carers and governors share enormous pride in our school. The opportunities offered inspire our children to come to school each day; motivated, enthusiastic and ready to learn. Our core values underpin our curriculum. Our motto of being a ‘Happy, Friendly, Fun and Safe’ environment for children, families and staff is indicative of the school’s positive culture and ethos.

Our Nursery operates during term time only in line with the main school and has capacity for a maximum of 26 children during each session.  We are able to offer a child a place from the term after their 3rd birthday.

Please find below our Nursery Admissions Policy which we hope will provide you with all the information you need.

Please use the enquiry form below to apply for a nursery place, or email office@holyoakes.bmat.co.uk where we will email the form to you or pop into the school office for a paper copy.

Nursery Admissions Policy

Enquiry Form

You can use the link below to see what nursery funding you may be entitled too:
Childcare Choice