School Uniform

Our School Uniform

Our school uniform is neat and practical and promotes an feeling of ‘belonging’ to Holyoakes Field First School. The school colours are royal blue, red and grey. Sweatshirts and T-shirts with the school badge may be purchased from most local school uniform shops or online from Brigade. The other items of clothing can be bought in most outfitters or large stores.


  • Red polo shirt
  • Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Blue and white checked summer dress (this is optional)
  • Indoor/summer PE kit: white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps
  • Outdoor/winter PE kit: Black hoodie, black jogging bottoms, black pumps or trainers


  • Red polo shirt
  • Grey trousers
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey shorts for summer (optional)
  • Indoor/summer PE kit: white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps
  • Outdoor/winter PE kit: Black hoodie, black jogging bottoms, black pumps or trainers


All children should wear sensible black school shoes. These can have laces, Velcro or buckle fastenings. Trainers are not appropriate for daily wear. If your child is unable to tie their own shoelaces we ask that they wear Velcro or buckle shoes and Velcro trainers for PE until they have learnt, this helps to encourage independence.

Please be aware that brightly coloured leggings, t-shirts, hoodies or zippers are not part of the Holyoakes Field uniform and MUST not be worn for PE.

All uniform items including pumps/trainers MUST be labelled.